Упражнение №10 - Раздел 1 по Английскому языку 9 класса - Афанасьева О.В.

Материал из Викирешебника

Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 9 класс
Автор учебника: Афанасьева О.В.
Михеева И.В.
Год издания: 2007
Кол-во заданий:
Кол-во упражнений: 274
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Answer the questions in connection with the text “Three Andent Civilizations”.

  1. What society can be called a “civilization”?
    • Answer: A civilization is a complex society that is characterized by the development of a written language, cities, specialized workers, social classes, and organized religion.
  2. What ancient civilizations apart from those mentioned in the text do you know?
    • Answer: Apart from the ancient civilizations mentioned in the text, other ancient civilizations include the Indus Valley Civilization in India, Ancient China, the Minoan Civilization in Crete, the Mayan Civilization in Central America, and the Aztec Civilization in Mexico.
  3. What great inventions were made in the ancient Near East?
    • Answer: The ancient Near East is credited with inventing agriculture, the wheel, writing and the alphabet, and the first cities.
  4. Why can Ancient Egypt be called the “land of wonders”?
    • Answer: Ancient Egypt can be called the "land of wonders" because of its unique and self-contained culture that lasted three thousand years and its remarkable monuments, including ancient cities, pyramids, and temples, which have been preserved due to the country's dry climate.
  5. How did it happen that nowadays we can see a lot of these wonders with our own eyes?
    • Answer: It is due to the dry climate of Egypt that a lot of its ancient monuments have been preserved. The dry climate has allowed these monuments to remain intact, allowing us to view them with our own eyes today.
  6. What were people in Ancient Egypt especially skilled at?
    • Answer: People in Ancient Egypt were especially skilled at engineering and irrigation. They made a complicated system of basins and channels and were able to use the Nile’s water to create rich soil for growing crops. They also used plants to make clothing, sails and paper.
  7. Why was the Nile so important for the country?
    • Answer: The Nile was so important for the country because it was the main source of life. It was the only source of water in a dry climate and its flooding every year brought silt and rich soil to the Nile valley and the delta, making it very fertile for agriculture. It also provided food through fishing and hunting, and was used for transportation and trade.
  8. What was a city-state in Ancient Greece like?
    • Answer: In Ancient Greece, a city-state was typically an independent political and social unit. It was usually made up of a single city and its surrounding areas, and was ruled by an elected council of elders known as the Senate. City-states appeared in many parts of the Greek-speaking world during the 8th century BC.
  9. Were there any Greek city-states on the Black Sea coast?
    • Answer: Yes, there were several Greek city-states on the Black Sea coast, including Byzantium (later Constantinople) and Histiaea.
  10. In what way did the ancient political, artistic and philosophical ideas influence Western civilization? Can you give examples?
    • Answer: The ancient political, artistic, and philosophical ideas of the Greeks have had a lasting influence on Western civilization. For example, their philosophy of democracy and the concept of individual liberty have become core values of many modern democratic countries. The Ancient Greeks also developed their own system of government, with the Senate and Consuls serving in a representative capacity, which has been adopted and adapted by many modern countries. The Ancient Greeks also pioneered the development of mathematics, science, and literature, and their artistic achievements, particularly in sculpture and architecture, have had a lasting impact on our culture. The great cities of Athens, Sparta, and Corinth, with their elaborate temples, theaters, and public squares, are still seen as models of ancient urban planning.
  11. The text mentions the myth of Achilles’ heel. What other myths can you remember? Do the names of Prometheus or Hercules say anything to you?
    • Answer: Yes, the names of Prometheus and Hercules are well-known from Greek mythology. Prometheus was a Titan who stole fire from the gods and gave it to mankind. He was later punished by Zeus for his disobedience. Hercules was a hero of the ancient world who was famous for his great strength and many heroic deeds, such as his labors to capture the Cretan Bull and the Erymanthian Boar. He was also known for his legendary Twelve Labors, including the slaying of the Nemean Lion and the Lernaean Hydra.
  12. What do you know about the Trojan War? What do you know about the Wooden Horse of Troy?
    • Answer: The Trojan War was a legendary conflict between the Greeks and Trojans fought over the beautiful Helen of Troy. The war is believed to have taken place sometime in the 12th or 13th century BC and is thought to be the basis of Homer's epic poem, The Iliad. The Wooden Horse of Troy is a famous part of the tale. According to the myth, the Greeks built a giant wooden horse and filled it with soldiers, who were then smuggled into Troy by their allies. Once inside the city, the soldiers opened the gates and let the rest of the Greek army in, allowing them to sack the city and win the war.
  13. Who described the Trojan War? In what book?
    • Answer: The Trojan War was described by the Greek writer Homer in his epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey.
  14. Into what parts of the world did ancient Romans expand their power?
    • Answer: The ancient Romans expanded their power into parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. They conquered a number of neighbouring peoples and took part in overseas wars, resulting in increased power and wealth for the upper classes.
  15. What do you know about the Roman presence in the British Isles?
    • Answer: The Roman presence in the British Isles began in 43 AD when the Roman Emperor Claudius invaded Britain. During their occupation, the Romans built roads, walls, and other monuments, and brought with them the Latin language and Roman law. They also introduced new technologies such as drainage systems, aqueducts, and public baths. The Roman presence in Britain ended in 410 AD when the Roman military withdrew from the Isles.
  16. How did it happen that Julius Caesar became “dictator for life”?
    • Answer: Julius Caesar became "dictator for life" after he took the its title and began to behave like a monarch or a kind of god. This went against the political tradition and led to his murder by a group of senators.
  17. Who said “You too, Brutus!” and on what occasion?
    • Answer: The phrase “You too, Brutus!” was spoken by Julius Caesar when he was stabbed by Marcus Brutus and the other conspirators during the Ides of March.
  18. What brought the Roman Empire to ruin?
    • Answer: The Roman Empire was eventually brought to ruin by a combination of political instability caused by social inequality and civil wars, over-expansion of the empire, and military defeats.

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